In this insightful article, Neil Beaty, a gemologist and...

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Jewelry Appraisals are almost certainly the whole reason for your visit. They’re what we, at American Gem Registry, do. Jewelry appraisals are a completely unregulated industry, thus it is all the more important that you get your jewelry appraised by an trained and Independent Appraiser, that is, a professional that is different from whoever sold you the jewelry in the first place. A report from the seller is called a receipt. You want one of those too, but it’s not the same thing.
Jewelry appraisals have several different purposes depending on your objectives. Insurance. Estate distribution. Tax matters. several more. You can see more about this in the following articles. Most appraisals are about insurance.
It’s not as simple as it seems. The insurance company isn’t usually agreeing to pay the declared value in the case of a loss. Far more typically, they’re agreeing to replace with ‘like kind and quality’ or words to that effect. That means they’re going to buy you a new item. The reason they are asking for jewelry appraisals is that they effectively serve as the purchase order for that replacement. They’re more interested in the descriptions and the photographs than the bottom line price.
In this insightful article, Neil Beaty, a gemologist and...
The diamond market is undergoing a significant transformation, with the price of natural diamonds...
The question of who keeps the engagement ring in the event of a broken engagement or divorce is...
Diamond and gemstone grading reports, or certificates, have become standard faire in the jewelry...
What is an Independent Certified Jewelry Appraiser (ICGA), why do you need one, and how do you...
Nearly everyone who is shopping for a diamond is familiar with the 4C’s: clarity, color, cut, and...
With nearly every appraisal, after exchanging pleasantries, the first thing to happen will be the...
Jew·el·ry /ˈjo͞o(ə)lrē/ noun personal ornaments, such as necklaces, rings, or bracelets, that are...
Many internet and even local vendors will include an ‘appraisal’ with your purchase....for...
One of the key reasons to get an independent appraisal on a new item is quality control. ...
"A diamond is forever." Everyone has heard this slogan to advertise DeBeers’ diamonds, and it’s...
A “free” jewelry appraisal may sound great; but “free” is not free. Read this article to learn about what to ask of your potential Jewelry Appraiser.
Most jewelry insurance policies are designed to make a customer whole again in the case of a loss....
One of the primary reasons for getting an appraisal is for purposes of securing jewelry insurance...
Any statement of value must contain the elements of what something is worth, to whom, when and...
Definition of value is often the heart of confusion with appraisals. One of the most common...
I try to avoid using the term "appraised value" entirely because it causes so much confusion. The...
In this insightful article, Neil Beaty, a gemologist and...
The diamond market is undergoing a significant transformation, with the price of natural diamonds...
The question of who keeps the engagement ring in the event of a broken engagement or divorce is...
Diamond and gemstone grading reports, or certificates, have become standard faire in the jewelry...
What is an Independent Certified Jewelry Appraiser (ICGA), why do you need one, and how do you...
Nearly everyone who is shopping for a diamond is familiar with the 4C’s: clarity, color, cut, and...
With nearly every appraisal, after exchanging pleasantries, the first thing to happen will be the...
Jew·el·ry /ˈjo͞o(ə)lrē/ noun personal ornaments, such as necklaces, rings, or bracelets, that are...
Many internet and even local vendors will include an ‘appraisal’ with your purchase....for...
One of the key reasons to get an independent appraisal on a new item is quality control. ...
"A diamond is forever." Everyone has heard this slogan to advertise DeBeers’ diamonds, and it’s...
A “free” jewelry appraisal may sound great; but “free” is not free. Read this article to learn about what to ask of your potential Jewelry Appraiser.
Most jewelry insurance policies are designed to make a customer whole again in the case of a loss....
One of the primary reasons for getting an appraisal is for purposes of securing jewelry insurance...
Any statement of value must contain the elements of what something is worth, to whom, when and...
Definition of value is often the heart of confusion with appraisals. One of the most common...
I try to avoid using the term "appraised value" entirely because it causes so much confusion. The...
Wow! That’s a lot of information. Are you looking for an appraisal for your gold, diamonds, or jewelry in the Denver area? The American Gem Registry is Colorado’s most experienced Independent Certified Gemologist Appraiser (ICGS), schedule an appointment today!